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The healing gather

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

If you wouldn’t eat it, you shouldn’t put it on your skin.

Our skin products are made with food grade materials and no chemicals or preservatives.

Welcome back to our blog Gathered Connections, where we highlight other local businesses that can enhance your gathered experience. This issue will spotlight on Enjoi Natural Body Products this business is dear to me. Although Enjoi is based in North Carolina, they ship worldwide. The owner Joi Owens is a Buffalo native and high school friend. I just love seeing friends making a mark on the world. I loved sitting down for a quick spill on her company. I asked how does her business of body products create a space to gather and how does it create a space to be creative and she replied;

“My retail store location offers a small intimate gathering space for my customers to try and buy or sip and shop safely with a small group of friends. We offer customers the opportunity to “create your own” skincare products by allowing them to select their own fragrances and add on ingredients! ”

Having enjoyed some of Enjoi body oils, body butter, and lip balm I can say you will not be disappointed in the quality of the products that you will receive. Although she in not located in the DC/ Maryland / Virginia area, you can still incorporate her amazing products in your next gathered experience. By enhancing your next at home massage with the body scrubs and oils or burning the relaxing incense in the background just to name a few ideas.

Create Renew Connect

Not only does this space promote creativity, we want to encourage entrepreneurship and partner with each spotlighted business in order to give you an opportunity to shop, and support while creating a community. When asked what made her want to go into the natural body product industry Joi relied "The bug bit me in 2017 as a result of not being able to find products that were natural and able to address my daughters skincare needs. I made so, Enjoi products for her, gave the rest away to family and friends and when they came back for more... boom I was a business!"An just like that she was booming and in business. As always I love to know what keeps our entrepreneurs motivated and Joi shared that "I just need for someone to tell me “I’m proud of you” every once in a while. I’m also confident that this will become a business that my children will one day take over and that keeps me motivated! " I can agree and understand that. We all need a loving pat on the back every once and a while, and I something that we can be proud of to pass down to our children!

Now that you have heard about these amazing products swing by if you are in Greensboro North Carolina or visit her website listed below and place your orders today!Don't forget to grab a Gathered Night In candle before you leave the site to have burning in the background for your relaxing night in! Enjoi Natural Body Products will ship worldwide for you to “Enjoi” in the comfort of your own home.

Until next time



Shop Located:

2311 West Cone Blvd Suite 136

Greensboro NC, 27408

Thursday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Friday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Saturday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM


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